Nigerian Navy Ranks and Salary Structure

Have you always wondered about the Nigerian Navy ranks and how much officers within each rank earn? If yes, then the contents of this article will appeal to you. This article contains details of the ranks within the Nigeria Navy ranks and salary structure.

This article is not only beneficial to people who are curious about the force and the salary structure. It will also be helpful to individuals who are looking to join the Nigerian Navy someday. By knowing the ranks and the salaries, you will understand how much you stand to earn depending on your entry mode.

The Nigerian Navy

The Nigerian Navy was established in 1956, it is a vital branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces, responsible for maritime defense and operations. This force protects Nigeria’s territorial waters, combating piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, and safeguarding offshore oil and gas installations. The Navy also participates in national defense and humanitarian assistance.

The Navy is structured into Western, Eastern, and Central Naval Commands, and also a Training Command. Its ranks are divided into commissioned officers, ranging from Midshipman to Admiral, and non-commissioned officers, from Ordinary Seaman to Navy Warrant Officer.

They have training institutions like the Nigerian Defence Academy and the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School to provide comprehensive education and training to individuals who want to join the force. The Navy’s equipment includes frigates, patrol boats, support vessels, and aircraft.

Nigerian Navy Ranks

The following are the ranks within the Nigerian Navy. They are divided into Commissioned and Non-Commissioned officers.

Commissioned officers hold authority and command positions, making key decisions and managing naval operations. They receive their commissions from the President of Nigeria. Their main duties include leadership, strategic planning, and overseeing operations.

Non-commissioned officers are enlisted personnel who have been promoted to leadership roles. They are vital in maintaining discipline, training, and ensuring smooth operations. NCOs act as a link between enlisted personnel and commissioned officers, helping to implement orders and manage tasks effectively.

Commissioned Officers 

  • Admiral: An Admiral is the highest-ranking officer in the Nigerian Navy. They serve as the Chief of the Naval Staff and are responsible for the command, strategic direction, and management of the entire Navy.
  • Vice-Admiral: A Vice-Admiral is a senior flag officer. They hold key positions in the naval command structure, such as the Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff or the Commander of a major naval region.
  • Rear Admiral: A Rear Admiral is a flag officer who commands a fleet or a major naval district. They are responsible for the operational readiness of their command, the implementation of naval strategy, and the coordination of naval missions and exercises.
  • Commodore: A Commodore is a senior officer rank, above Captain and below Rear Admiral. Commodores command task forces or serve as senior officers in larger naval commands. They are responsible for overseeing multiple naval units and ensuring their effective coordination.
  • Captain: A Captain is a senior officer who commands a large vessel, such as a frigate or a destroyer, or holds a significant administrative position within a naval base.
  • Lieutenant: A Lieutenant is a junior officer who serves as a department head on larger ships or commanding smaller vessels. They are involved in daily operations, supervising junior officers and enlisted personnel.
  • Sub-Lieutenant: A Sub-Lieutenant is an entry-level commissioned officer. They are usually recently graduated from naval training institutions. They usually serve under the mentorship of senior officers, gaining practical experience and honing their leadership skills in various roles aboard ships or in shore-based units.
  • Midshipman: A Midshipman is the initial rank for naval cadets who are undergoing training to become commissioned officers. They are enrolled in the Nigerian Defence Academy or other naval training programs.

NonCommissioned Officers

  • Navy Warrant Officer: A Navy Warrant Officer is a senior non-commissioned officer who has significant authority and responsibility. They offer expert technical and tactical advice and oversee the training and discipline of enlisted personnel.
  • Master Warrant Officer: A Master Warrant Officer is a highly experienced senior non-commissioned officer.  They are responsible for advising on complex technical issues and ensuring the professional development of junior NCOs and enlisted personnel.
  • Warrant Officer: A Warrant Officer is an experienced non-commissioned officer who serves as a technical specialist and leader. They are responsible for maintaining high standards of technical proficiency and discipline within their units, often overseeing specialized sections or departments.
  • Leading Seaman: A Leading Seaman is a junior non-commissioned officer who takes on leadership roles within their team. They are responsible for guiding and supervising Able Seamen and Ordinary Seamen and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and according to naval standards.
  • Able Seaman: An Able Seaman is an experienced enlisted sailor who is proficient in various naval tasks and operations. They perform different duties on board ships or in shore-based units and take on more responsibilities than Ordinary Seamen.
  • Seaman: A Seaman is an enlisted sailor who has completed basic training and is capable of performing essential duties aboard ships or at naval facilities. They are usually assigned to specific roles and work under the supervision of senior personnel to gain further experience.
  • Ordinary Seaman: An Ordinary Seaman is the entry-level rank for enlisted personnel in the Nigerian Navy. They have completed basic training and perform basic duties and tasks. This rank serves as the starting point for a career in the Navy, with opportunities for advancement based on performance and experience.

Nigerian Navy Salary Structure 2024

Non-Commissioned Navy officers and salaries:-

Rank Monthly Salary (Naira)
Admiral N1,728,285
Vice-Admiral N1,496,458
Rear Admiral N1,376,349
Commodore N744,589
Captain N459,003
Lieutenant N293,482
Sub-Lieutenant N219,401
Midshipman N188,159

Non-Commissioned Officers

Below are the salaries for Non-Commissioned  officers in Nigeria Navy:-

Rank Monthly Salary
Navy Warrant Officer N165,693
Master Warrant Officer N101,970
Warrant Officer N75,267
Leading Seaman N68,630
Able Seaman N60,834
Seaman N57,567
Ordinary Seaman N53,891

Nigerian Navy Salary Structure and Allowances

Nigeria Navy also offers allowances to officers to help offset some of the costs associated with the job. Below are the allowances.

Allowance Type Amount (Naira)
Clothing Allowance ₦10,000
House Rent Allowance ₦30,000
Transport Allowance  ₦10,000
Operation Allowance ₦75,000

We hope that our article on the Nigerian Navy Ranks and Salary Structure was clear enough. If you have questions you would like use to answer regarding this topic, do let us know in the comment section and we will reply.

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